Anglais: Devoir 6: 3ème Cned

Publié le 15 mars 2017 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 18 mars 2017 dans 7A
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Sujet du devoir

Production écrite

You are an English pupil in a school in London. Last month you won an essay competition in your school. The prize was a study trip of one week in Canada ! You are staying with a Canadian family. Today is the last day of your trip. The date is the 15th of February. You have to write an account of your trip and send it by email to your class in England.

(Tu es un(e) élève anglais(e) à Londres. Le mois dernier, tu as gagné un prix pour une rédaction. Le prix était un voyage d'études pour une semaine au Canada. Tu as été accueilli(e) dans une famille canadienne. Aujourd'hui, le 15 février, est le dernier jour de ton séjour. Tu dois envoyer un courriel à ta classe en Angleterre et raconter ton séjour).


Before you write your email you have to prepare it. Use your imagination and complete the information.

Avant de rédiger ton email, tu dois préparer. (Travail de préparation non noté).


First, imagine a very English name for yourself!

Write your name here:.................

Imagine the name of the Canadian family you are staying with.

Write the name of the family here:................

The day you arrived in Canada:.....................

The city you arrived in:......................

Your first impressions of Canada (big? small? many people?)



During the trip you went to an ice hockey game. Imagine in which city you saw the game:..................................................................................

Write the names of the two teams that were playing:................... and ..............


Write the result of the game:..............................

Write an adjective that describes the game (boring, exciting...):


Imagine how you travelled to the stadium: ..............................

Did you go to the game alone ? If not, imagine who you were with:....................

You also visited two museums during the week. One museum is dedicated to the history of the First Nation of Canada. Write down three pieces of information about the First Nations that you will include in your email:




The second museum was dedicated to the Acadians. In your mail tell your friends in England who the Acadians were and what happened to them.


You are going to enclose three photographs of your trip. Decide the ritle of each photograph. Imagine the subject of each photograph:





Write down here any other information you want to include in your email:








Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Merci d'aider et d'accompagner, mais de ne pas faire le devoir dans son intégralité.

La modération

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 15 mars 2017

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