Besoin d'aide pour traduction

Publié le 29 avr. 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 31 mai 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Bonsoir, j'aurais besoin d'aide pour traduire quelques phrases , merci d'avance ;D .

Son regard s'accrocha au sien et elle se perdit dans ses yeux chocolat.
Ses yeux exprimés tant de souffrance de la laisser ici.
Elle posa une main sur le bouclier d'énergie et pencha la tête sur le côté en se mordillant la lèvre d'anxiété.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Samantha was blocked behind a shield in the warship with Jack, which was going to explosed. She order him to leave but Jack refused to let her alone. He hit against the shield energy for to freed Sam but without success. Sam entreat him to go before the warship explosed because she intensely doesn’t want he died.

21 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 29 avr. 2010
Tu veut traduire quoi enfaite ?
Posté le 29 avr. 2010
les trois phrases que j'ai mis c'est à dire : Son regard s'accrocha au sien et elle se perdit dans ses yeux chocolat.
Ses yeux exprimés tant de souffrance de la laisser ici.
Elle posa une main sur le bouclier d'énergie et pencha la tête sur le côté en se mordillant la lèvre d'anxiété.
Posté le 29 avr. 2010
Avec tout le vocabulaire d'anglais que j'ai ça donne ça:

Her look was hanged in his look and she got lost in his chocolate eyes.
His eyes expressed so much pending to let her here.
She put a hand on an energy field and bended her head forwad with an anxious lips biting.

C'est pas super-super mais tu eux prendre quelques phrases ;)
Posté le 29 avr. 2010
Je te remercie (;
Posté le 29 avr. 2010
et sinon je voulais savoir si mon début était correct : Samantha was blocked behind a shield in the warship with Jack, which was going to explosed. She order him to leave but Jack refused to let her alone. He hit against the shield energy for to freed Sam but without success. Sam entreat him to go before the warship explosed because she intensely doesn’t want he died.
Posté le 29 avr. 2010
Question vocabulaire je ne vois pas trop ce que je peux changer demande à un pro ;) je ne suis qu'en 4ème! Mais on dit pas 'explosed' 'mais 'exploded' et j'ai corrigé des fautes d'accord avec le 's' de la 3eme personne du singulier ce qui donne ;
Samantha was blocked behind a shield in the warship with Jack, which was going to exploded. She orders him to leave but Jack refused to let her alone. He hit against the shield energy for to freed Sam but without success. Sam entreats him to go before the warship exploded because she intensely doesn’t want he died
Posté le 29 avr. 2010

je te propose:

Her lok caught his eyes and she lost herself in his chocolate-colored eyes. His eyes expressed so much pain to let her here. She put her hand on the energy shield and tilted her head while anxiously biting her lips.

Posté le 29 avr. 2010
je reprend le texte:

Samantha was blocked behind a shield in the warship with Jack. The warship was going to explode. She ordered him to leave but Jack refused to let her alone. He hit the energy shield to free Sam but without success. Sam entreated him to go before the warship exploded because she intensely didn’t want him to die.

C'est pas un épisode de SG1, ça?
Posté le 29 avr. 2010
1er post: her look caught et pas her lok!
Posté le 29 avr. 2010
Si ;D trés fan donc j'ai décidé de décrire une scène en anglais pour mon DM (;
Posté le 29 avr. 2010
bien joué, faut pas hésiter!
Posté le 29 avr. 2010
Je rectifie pour la troisième phrase : Elle posa une main sur le bouclier d'énergie et inclina la tête sur le côté en se mordillant la lèvre en retenant ses larmes de couler .
Posté le 29 avr. 2010
*pour retenir ses larmes
Posté le 30 avr. 2010
Pour ta réctification voilà ce que ça donne:
She put her hand on the energy shield (ou field) and tilted her head with an axious lips biting TO HOLD HER TEARS BACK.
:) bonne soirée!
Posté le 30 avr. 2010
field = champs (agriculture) shield= bouclier

She put her hand on the energy shield and tilted her head while biting her lips and holding back her tears.
Posté le 2 mai 2010
si tu veux traduire tes phrases tu peux aller sur un site de traduction il s'appelle Reverso il est trop bien ce site jme rapelle kan jai recu une correspondante americaine on y aller pour traduire des choses ou pour quelle ecrivent car elle ne parlait pas francais kel trip ke lon c taper cété tro marrant enfin bn bref vas sur c tro bien tu verras
Posté le 11 mai 2010
Voila la traduction :

His eyes clung to hers and she lost herself in his eyes chocolate.
His eyes expressed so much pain to leave here.
She put her hand on the shield of energy and leaned her head on the side, biting her lip with anxiety.

en esperant t'avoir aider ;)
Posté le 12 mai 2010
His eyes clung to hers and she lost herself in his eyes chocolate.
His eyes expressed so much pain to leave here.
She put a hand on the shield of energy and leaned her head on the side, biting her lip with anxiety.

voila et je te souhaite une bonne chance pour la suite
Posté le 19 mai 2010
Her look clang in his and she got lost in his chocolate eyes.
His eyes expressed so much pending to let her here.
She put a hand on an energy field and bent her head forward biting her lips anxiously.
Posté le 22 mai 2010
His eyes clung to hers and she lost herself in his eyes chocolate.
His eyes expressed so much pain to leave here.
She put a hand on the energy shield and leaned her head on the side, biting her lip with anxiety.
Posté le 30 mai 2010
His eyes clung to hers and she lost herself in his eyes chocolate.
His eyes expressed so much pain to leave here.
She put a hand on the energy shield and leaned her head on the side, biting her lip with anxiety

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