dialogue anglais, négociation

Publié le 19 janv. 2013 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 23 janv. 2013 dans 11A
18.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, je dois faire un dialogue en anglais, je dois faire une négociation. On avait étudié un texte en classe, et on doit s'en inspirer. En gros, le texte racontait qu'un garçon voulait changer le papier peint de sa chambre car le garcon avait 14ans mais il avait encore sur son papier peint des canards bleus ! Alors, il demande a sa mère, mais celle ci dit qu'elle n'a pas le temps le week end car elle doit faire du shopping, jardiner, housework (=travail a la maison tel que le ménage...) alors, le garcon a une idée : il pourrait faire cela pendant un mois, il a donc négocié. Sa mère accepte.

Je dois faire une négociation qui s'inspire de cella ci.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Mon idée, c'est que pour son anniversaire, quelqu'un veut un chien, au départ sa mère refuse mais après négociation, elle accepte. voici mon travail :

Mum : -Bob, what do you want to your birthday?
Bob : -Er... I've got an idea but I know you won't want.
Mum : -Get it off your chest (=Dis ce que tu as a dire)
Bob : - I would like a dog !

Est ce que vous pouvez mes donner des idées, pourquoi sa mère va t elle refuser ? Quelle sera la négociation de Bob ?

Merci d'avance

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 19 janv. 2013
Mum: I hope you are joking!
Bob: No, not at all!
Mum: But Bob, you know that having a dog demands lots of attention, care and love.
Bob: I know mum I am ready to look after my dog just like a baby.
Mum: Hmmmmmm but this is not as easy as you think.
Bob: Don't you think I am a lovely boy and I think I am a mature and a big-hearted boy, ain't I ?
Mum: Sure you are but the trouble is that when you will go to school, who will be in charge of taking him out. You know that a dog needs to get out to do his doody-do (faire ses besoins).
And also we live in a flat and a dog needs a big space. I don't think this is a good idea!
Bob: But mum, I want a little dog and I talked to my brother and he doesn't mind to take him out so that he does his business when I am away.
Mum: I see. But I have to talk to your Dad if he is ok with having a dog in the family.
At this very time, Dad arrived from work
Dad: How are you all? I have a good news for you. I got a promotion and now I am a production manager! We need to celebrate my promotion.
Bob: Wow, weldone Dad! Congratulations!
Dad: Thanks Bob.
Mum: John, Bob wants a dog for his birthday and I told him that sounded a bit embarrassing.
Dad: But Bob, thanks to his good marks he got at school, deserves a dog!
Bob: smootches Dad! You're the best dad of the earth. Thank you so much. I knew you would accept my desire of having a dog.
Dad: Don't worry Bob and also when I have some spare time I will take him out and we'll have some fun. What do you think Kate?
Mum (Kate): Hmmm of course John, that would be fantastic.
Bob ran towards his Mum and gave her a big kiss.
Thank you Mum you are the best Mum ever too.
Dad (John): So what are you waiting for? Let's drink to celebrate both my promotion and the Bob's dog who will set to arrive.
Posté le 20 janv. 2013
Merci beaucoup, ça m'a donné beaucoup d'idées !
Posté le 20 janv. 2013
:) Bon weekend et bon courage
Et n'oublie pas de mettre au début ce que tu as mis. Le texte que j'ai mis fait suite à ça.
Voilà le texte complet

Mum : -Bob, what do you want to your birthday?
Bob : -Er... I've got an idea but I know you won't want.
Mum : -Get it off your chest (=Dis ce que tu as a dire)
Bob : - I would like a dog !
Mum: I hope you are joking!
Bob: No, not at all!
Mum: But Bob, you know that having a dog demands lots of attention, care and love.
Bob: I know mum I am ready to look after my dog just like a baby.
Mum: Hmmmmmm but this is not as easy as you think.
Bob: Don't you think I am a lovely boy and I think I am a mature and a big-hearted boy, ain't I ?
Mum: Sure you are but the trouble is that when you will go to school, who will be in charge of taking him out. You know that a dog needs to get out to do his doody-do (faire ses besoins).
And also we live in a flat and a dog needs a big space. I don't think this is a good idea!
Bob: But mum, I want a little dog and I talked to my brother and he doesn't mind to take him out so that he does his business when I am away.
Mum: I see. But I have to talk to your Dad if he is ok with having a dog in the family.
At this very time, Dad arrived from work
Dad: How are you all? I have a good news for you. I got a promotion and now I am a production manager! We need to celebrate my promotion.
Bob: Wow, weldone Dad! Congratulations!
Dad: Thanks Bob.
Mum: John, Bob wants a dog for his birthday and I told him that sounded a bit embarrassing.
Dad: But Bob, thanks to his good marks he got at school, deserves a dog!
Bob: smootches Dad! You're the best dad of the earth. Thank you so much. I knew you would accept my desire of having a dog.
Dad: Don't worry Bob and also when I have some spare time I will take him out and we'll have some fun. What do you think Kate?
Mum (Kate): Hmmm of course John, that would be fantastic.
Bob ran towards his Mum and gave her a big kiss.
Thank you Mum you are the best Mum ever too.
Dad (John): So what are you waiting for? Let's drink to celebrate both my promotion and the Bob's dog who will set to arrive.

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