eval orale anglais (2)

Publié le 3 oct. 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 6 oct. 2016 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir

J'ai fais ça :

During my summer holidays, I went with my family in Spain for visit my uncle. After 150Km in the car, the car broke down, It was terrible i missed one day of my holidays, we went to the hotel and we stayed there for all night. The following day, the car has been repaired. We left france and we went to Spain. Once arrived, we stayed in camping. I was very sad because my friends was not there. One week later my mother has seek !

So my summer holidays was not really exiting.


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Pouvez vous me corriger ? Merci

6 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 3 oct. 2016

Eh bien voilà!!

Posté le 3 oct. 2016

peut tu me dire si c'est bien ?

Posté le 3 oct. 2016

Je n'ai pas assez de vocabulaire anglais pour te corriger.

Posté le 3 oct. 2016

Coucou, à l'avant dernière ligne, je pense que tu as voulu dire que t'a mère était malade...

Tu t'es trompée au lieu d'écrire "My mother was sick" tu as écris "my mother has seek" 

Posté le 3 oct. 2016

During my summer holidays, I went with my family in Spain to visit my uncle. After 150Km in the car, the car broke down, It was terrible i missed one day of my holidays, we went to the hotel and we stayed there for all night. The following day, the car has been repaired. We left france and we went to Spain. Once arrived, we stayed in camping. I was very sad because my friends was not there. One week later my mother feel seek !
So my summer holidays was not really exiting.

Posté le 4 oct. 2016

Tu peux préciser d'où vous êtes partis

tu peux éliminer "in the car". tu peux aussi préciser les circonstance de l'accident

"in a camping" pas in camping. Tu pourrais peut-être ajouter des détails sur ce camping.

pas "has seek" mais was/ ou has beenseek ( être malade se dit to be seek en anglais")

exciting et non exitig

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