exercice d'anglais

Publié le 14 mars 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 16 mars 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir

Pouvez vous me dire si mes phrases sont construites correctement ?
J'ai besoin d'aide pour corriger.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Pouvez vous m'aider à corriger ces exercices ?
Est ce que mes phrases sont construites correctement ?

Exercice 1 :

1 - Ground Zero that's where the twin towers of World Trade Center
2 - Brooklyn that's where the borough of New York
3 - Ellis Island is a small island in New York
4 - Liberty Island is a small uninhabited island of the New York bay is on which was set up the Statue ofLiberty

Exercice 2 :

How high is it with the radio mast ?
How many elevators are there ?
How often have you to change to reach the 102nd floor ?
When is the annual run-up race ?
What was the nationality of the male winner
how lonf it took him to go up

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 14 mars 2010
Exercice 1
pour moi t'es phrases on toutes un sense et je pense que c'est juste.
Exercice 2
idem je comprens t' es phrases so i think que c'est bon.
Posté le 14 mars 2010
pour les phrase de exercice 1 et 2 c'est bien

l'essentielle que j'ai compris t'es phrase
Posté le 14 mars 2010
Rebonjour champomy2506,

Exercice 1 :

1 - Ground Zero that's where the twin towers of World Trade Center = il manque le verbe....ta phrase n'a pas de sens
Ground Zero is the place where the Twin Towers used to stand. (Tu as déjà oublié l'histoire de "used to"?)

2 - Brooklyn that's where the borough of New York (= cela n'a pas de sens car il manque encore le verbe!)
Brooklyn IS ONE OF THE FIVE BOROUGHS (districts) New York City is composed of.
3 - Ellis Island is a small island NEXT TO New York CITY. It's the place where the immigrants used to arrive.
4 - Liberty Island is a small uninhabited island in the bay of New York on which the Statue of Liberty is erected.

Exercice 2 :

How high is it with the radio mast ? = grammaticalement correct
How many elevators are there ? ok
How often DO you HAVE to change (changer QUOI?) to reach the 102nd floor ?
When is the annual run-up race ?
What was the nationality of the male winner?
HOW long DID it TAKE HIM TO GO UP? Réponse: IT TOOK HIM x minutes TO GO UP.

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