Rapport de stage en anglais

Publié le 13 janv. 2017 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 18 janv. 2017 dans 7A
18.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir



J'ai un DM d'anglais à rendre pour la semaine prochaine, on doit écrire son rapport de stage en anglais et après on doit passer à l'oral. 

Je l'ai fini, mais est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait me corriger SVP ???

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Good morning, I am glad to meet you.


My name is... , I am fourteen years old.  I come from..... and I am a pupil in .....

I am going to talk about my training course. I worked in...., a real estate agency in .... during one week. I chose this training course because the agency was not too far form home.

At the beginning, my tutor welcomed me and explained the few bases of the trade. I was in contact with tenants and owners on the phone and I understood that the relational aspect with customers was paramount. I also created posters to display in front of the window. At first, I thought it was too difficult but after a few days it was easier.

The staff were very welcoming and they all try to share their passion for this job with me.

As a conclusion, I want to say that it was a great experience and even if I appreciated this training course, I don't want to do that job when I will be an adult because I do not think I have enough patience to do it.

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 13 janv. 2017

D'après ce que je vois, il n'y a aucune fautes!

Posté le 13 janv. 2017

il n'y a aucune fautes

il n'y a aucune faute!


Attends tout de même une éventuelle autre correction par prudence.

Posté le 13 janv. 2017

my training course ? my  traineeship

Posté le 13 janv. 2017

D'accord et merci pour la rapidité de vos réponses !!! 

Posté le 13 janv. 2017

Bonne suite!


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