Write a short article in a newspaper about Gary Jenkins

Publié le 30 nov. 2013 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 10 déc. 2013 dans 10A
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Write a short article in a newspaper about Gary Jenkins :
Date and place of birth: 1955, Bristol.
Hobbies at school: playing card, playing detectives with friends.
Home: Bristol until the 1960s, then London.
Job: forensic scientist until 1989 (collect, use, idenrify, detect... blood, alcohol...)
Now: a university lecturer in forensic science.
Merçi d'avance :)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

J'ai juste ecrit le titre "Write a short article in a newspaper about Gary Jenkins", je sais pas quoi mettre, adiez-moi svp

6 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 30 nov. 2013
Coucou, moi aussi je l'ais fait, j'espèce que ça t'aidera (=

Gary Jenkins was born in 1955 Bristol.
At school, he used to play cards and detectives with is friends. He doesn't lived in Bristol for a long time: he moved to London in the 1960s.
He used to be a forensic scientist: he used to collect samples and detect blood traces.
He changed jobs in 1989. Now he is a lecturer in forensic science at the universty.
Today, he doesn't deal with crime scenes any more.

Voilà à bientôt jeune fille! (=
Posté le 30 nov. 2013
Tout les détails de la bio sur ce lien :
Posté le 30 nov. 2013
Merçi beaucoup :)
Posté le 30 nov. 2013
aah, supeer!! merçi :)
Posté le 1 déc. 2013
Gary Jenkins is born in Bristol on 1995.
At school, he used to enjoy playing card and playing detectives with his friends. Indeed, they used to have so much fun.
However, he lived in Bristol until the 1960s, then he moved to London. He had no choice but to leave everything behind him and start a new life.
By the time, he grew up and became a forensic scientist, dealing with blood, collect, indenrify and aclcohol, until 1989, now he's a university lecturer in forensic science.
Posté le 1 déc. 2013
Merçii :)

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