Dialogue oral anglais

Publié le 12 janv. 2019 il y a 5A par ryxhater - Fin › 15 janv. 2019 dans 5A
19.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Il faut faire un dialogue oral sur un travail de collegiens/lycéens il faut que ça dure 2min30 minimum on en es à 1min

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

-Hi I come for the ad I wanna be your dog-sitter
-Your first to come. How old are you ?
-I am seventeen
-How many dogs have you
-I don’t have any pets
-Why do you want to look after my dog
- I have free time and I love dogs.
-Oh fantastics your parents are ok ?
-Yes of course
-You gonna take care of Rex from the 10/08 to the 17/08 I must to take a break but I can’t bring my dog.
-Don’t be afraid


-Hi!I’m here to bring Rex at home.
-Ok my plane is at ten o’clock every day you have to walking the dog.
-Yo have to brush him, feed him tree times a day
-Of course
-I leave the leash, the keys, the dog food

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