hisoire effrayante

Publié le 26 mai 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 28 mai 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

going out at night is very cary when you have to pass a strange looking tree , even if your big sister is with . one dark autumn night a young boy and his older sister were going to the end of town to get a bucket of milk . as they walkend down the lonely road
Invente la fin de l'histoire en 20 lines min l'histoire doit contenire :
_ une capacité et incapacité au passe
_une obligation au passe et repondre au question suvaante
1 what did they see or hear when they passed the tree
2 what was there in the tree
3 what did they decide to do
4 how did they feel about t
5 were they abe to pass and get the milk

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

réponse au question
1 a dark and terrrifying shade
2 A rumbling rises
4 to move back slowly towards the city
The arbe was biggest and most terrible of all. When the children heard a deafening rumbling. They raised eyes and transfer a dark and terrible big shade petrified incapable to move they watched the shade approaching young has red young of the fangs of the eyes of hairs and ears appeared

9 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 26 mai 2010
salut :)

the "arbe"(?) was the biggest and the most terrible of all.
when the children heard a deafening rumbling, they raised their eyes and perceived a dark and frightening shade. petrified, incapable to move, they watched the shade get close to them.
In the shadow,big eyes,huge fangs and hairy ears appeared.

tu pourrais me dire ce que tu a voulu dire dans ta dernière phrase: "young has red young of the fangs of the eyes of hairs and ears appeared"

bon courage!
Posté le 26 mai 2010

as-tu utilisé un traducteur automatique?

deafening et rumbling ne vont pas trop ensemble:
rumbling = gargouillement, ronflement/grondement mais pas forts
deafening = assourdissant
=> un son léger par fort ne peut pas être assourdissant.

Il manque:
capacité/incapacité: to be able to
obligation: to have to

Posté le 26 mai 2010
faute de frappes: lire
=> un son léger PAS fort ...
Posté le 26 mai 2010
enfete c'est little by little fangs of eyes red of hairs and ears appeared est ce que cela veut dire quelque chose
Posté le 26 mai 2010
par quoi pourais je remplacer deafening et rumbling ??
Posté le 26 mai 2010
s'il s'agit d'un monstre alors
deafening roar ou deafening growl

little by little, fangs, red eyes, hairs and large ears appeared
Posté le 26 mai 2010
merci de ton aide
Posté le 27 mai 2010
ben écoute tradui pui répon et si tu compren di moi puiske moi et l'anglai sa fai 1 sa fai 7 an ke jen fai depui le ce1
Posté le 27 mai 2010
mdr *si tu compren pa*pardon

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