Aide exercice

Publié le 2 oct. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 4 oct. 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir


L'exercice est-il juste :

Put the verb in the correct form, past simple (I did), past continuous(I was doing), past perfect(I had done) or past perfect continuous (I had been doing).

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

1) Yesterday afternoon.... (go) to the station to meet Paul. : J'ai mis pour.... : went
When she..... (get) there, Paul : she was getting.
Paul.... (already/wait) for her. : had already waited
His train....(arrive) early. : had arrived.

2)When I got home, Bill..... (lie) on the sofa. : was lying on the sofa.
The television was on but he....(not/watch) it. : he don't watching it.
He......(fall) asleep and......(snore) loudly. : he had falling asleep and had snored loundly.
I......(turn) the television off and just then he....(wake) up. : I had turned..... / and just then he had waking up.

3)Last night I.....(just/go) to bed and....(read) a book when I suddenly I......(hear) a noise. : I had just gone to bed and had reading...../ I hearded.
I.....(get) up to see what it was but I....(not/see) anything, so I.......(go) back to bed. : I getting up..../ I don't seeing..../ So I had gone...

Merci de votre aide.

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 3 oct. 2010
Salut! Tu peux essayer
Posté le 3 oct. 2010
j'ai lu tes réponses et je pens euqe tu ne t'es pas trop trompé
moi aussi j'aurais mis les mêmes conjugaisons

par contre pour le second :
the télévision was on but he doesn't watching it.

fais bien attention à la troisième personne deu singulier!!!

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