Traduction de texte

Publié le 30 nov. 2012 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 7 déc. 2012 dans 11A

Sujet du devoir

Salut tout le monde ! Alors voila On nous demande de traduire ce passage en anglais ...
aidez moi svp
! " La question est ce que je peux et comment devenir un leader ne se pose plus pour moi depuis l'age de 14 ans. En effet, sans programme ni trop d'effort mais avec un but précis, j'ai réussit à cet age a avoir une excellente note au BEM, alors ce gout et ce plaisir d’être major m'a encore poussé à travaillé durement et sans relâche. Ainsi, après 3 ans, durant l'important examen du Baccalaureat mon objectif n'était pas de réussir mais d'avoir une moyenne dépassant l’excellence( plus de 17/20).Ce petit challenge réussi à l'age de l'adolescence a bien marqué mon devenir et m'a bien fait comprendre que la devise : " lorsque on veut on peut " est vraiment réalisable partout et dans tous les domaines. Donc, devenir un leader dans mon future université et dans ma spécialité est une suite logique de mon parcours précédent. Plus les exigences sont importantes et les candidats vraiment potentiels, plus ma motivation et mon désir de devenir leader devient plus ambitieux et plus grand. Pour moi, c'est comme en athlétisme où le leader ( sprinter ) a toujours besoin d'un "lièvre" de haut niveau qui le pousse à un haut rythme durant toute la course, qui surement avec l'endurance et le bon finish le mène vers la réussite totale et pourquoi pas vers un nouveau record. Durant mon parcours, j'ai bien réalisé qu'avec de la persévérance, la patience et l’intelligence on atteint toujours tous ce qu'on peut programmer. Avec les idées claires, le but bien précis, une immense conviction, une bonne et simple organisation, une bonne leçon apprise après un amère échec, permet toujours de devenir ce qu'on veut en mal ou en bien. Le manque de temps, Les obstacles et les problèmes durant le parcours deviennent machinalement comme un exercice de math ou de physique soluble. Certainement, je mettrai à profil toutes mes compétences et expériences dans les domaines socio culturelles acquises tant en Algérie avec les organisations de masse ( JILTARJIH, OPENMINDSCLUB, MICRO-NETCLUB, SCOUTS...) et associations de jeunes et sportives( JUDO, Natation), tant aux U.S.A dans le cadre de l'AYLP ( Community service agency -CSA- Reno ) pour m'adapter aux nouvelles situations et atteindre de nouveaux objectifs. Dans cet ordre les différentes cultures, langues et religions de mon future entourage universitaire seront un facteur intéressant de réussite et d'enrichissement. Je suis convaincu que la richesse, la qualité du programme, le haut niveau d'encadrement de votre université et l’atmosphère estudiantin hautement compétitif ajouté à mon dévouement, ma volonté et mon sens de responsabilité durant quatre années consécutives, me feront élever au rang d'une personnalité qui aura l'honneur de se sacrifier pour sa réussite et celle des autres. Mon but c est plus qu'un diplôme réussi d'une aussi grande université mais d'être le major afin de bien utiliser les connaissances et les compétences acquise pour mon intérêt, celui de mon pays et certainement pour toute l'humanité. "
Merciiii d'avance =)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

J'ai même pas pu commencer :(
et je suis pas good en anglais !
en plus j'en ai vraiment besoin de ce travail =S ça va être noté sévèrement =S

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 1 déc. 2012
The question is what and how I can become a leader no longer exists for me since the age of 14. Indeed, without too much effort or program but with a purpose, I managed to get this age has an excellent note BEM, then it taste and pleasure of Staff pushed me again worked hard and unabated. Thus, after three years in the major review of Baccalaureate my goal was not to succeed but to have an average exceeding excellence (over 17/20). This small successful challenge to the age of the adolescence has shaped my future and made me understand that the motto "if you want you can" is really feasible everywhere and in all areas. So become a leader in my future university and my specialty is a logical consequence of my previous trip. Requirements are most important and potential candidates really more my motivation and desire to become a leader becomes more and more ambitious. For me, it's like athletics where the leader (sprinter) always need a "hare" high level that drives a high pace throughout the race, which surely with good endurance and finish the leads to the total success and why not to a new record. During my career, I have achieved with perseverance, patience and understanding is always achieved everything that can be programmed. With a clear, specific purpose, an immense conviction, a good and simple organization, a good lesson learned after a bitter failure, can always become what you want to evil or good. Lack of time, the obstacles and problems during the course become mechanically as an exercise in math or physics soluble. Certainly, I will profile all my skills and experiences in socio-cultural as acquired in Algeria with the mass organizations (JILTARJIH, OPENMINDSCLUB, MICRO-Netclub SCOUTS ...) and associations of youth and sports (Judo, Swimming) both in the USA under the AYLP (Community service agency-CSA-Reno) for me to adapt to new situations and new goals. In this order the different cultures, languages ​​and religions around my future university will be an interesting factor to success and enrichment. I am convinced that wealth, quality of the program, the top management level of your university student and highly competitive atmosphere added to my devotion, my will and sense of responsibility for four consecutive years, I will rise to the rank a personality that will have the honor to sacrifice for his success and that of others. My goal is a successful graduate of a major university but also to be the major to good use the knowledge and skills gained my interest of my country and certainly for all humanity.
Posté le 1 déc. 2012
Ton Traducteur Professionnelle vient à ta rescousse.

Here we go!

Let's have this done :

The question no longer arises as to know whether I can become a leader, regarless of how I go about it, since I have 14 years old.
For without minimal effort or any program to assist me but with a specific purpose, at that age, I succeeded to have an excellent score at BEM. It was then that this taste and pleasure to be major pushed me even further to work hard and tirelessly so.
So after three years in the major review of Baccalaureate, I didn't plan to succeed but rather to have a mean that could exceed the threshold of excellence.
This little successful challenge during my adolescence has clearly shaped my future and have made clear to me that the following motto : "Where there is a will there is a way" indeed ring true in everything we do and in all areas.
So my view is that being a leader in my future university and my specialty appears to be a logical follow-up to my previous ride.
The more significant the requirements and the more potential the candidates, the more my motivation and desire to become a leader is becoming a bit more ambitions and a bit more larger every past day.
As far as I'm concerned, it's just like in athletics really where the leader is always in need of a "hare" high level pushes a high pace throughout the race which, with a bit of endurance, surely leads him to the path of success and even to a new record.
During my career, I realized indeed that with a mix of perseverance, patience and intelligence, and only so, there is always a possibility of achieving everything that can be programmed.
With a clear head, a definite purpose, an immense conviction, together with a good and simple organization, a good lesson learned after a bitter failure, always lead to what they always want to be for better or for worse.
Insufficient time, obstacles and problems during the course become mechanically an exercise just like in math or physics.
I will certainly bring all my skills and experiences in social cultural areas that I acquired both in Algeria with mass organizations and associations of youth and sports, and both in the USA under the AYLP to adapt me to new circumstances and reach new goals.
In this order the different cultures, languages ​​and religions around my future university will be an interesting factor to achievement and enrichment.
I am convinced that the richness and quality of the program, the top management level of your university student and highly competitive atmosphere coupled with my devotion, my will and sense of responsibility for four consecutive years will rise me to the rank of a personality that will be honored to sacrifice for its success and those of others.
My goal is more similar to that of being the major in order to make good use of the knowledge and skills gained to my interest of my country and certainly for all mankind.

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