Correction de mon texte d'anglais pour demain

Publié le 26 nov. 2018 il y a 5A par Juliette_Guiraud - Fin › 28 nov. 2018 dans 5A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, je passe à l'oral demain? Serait-il possible que quelqu'un me corrige. Il y a surement des fautes. Merci 


Mon texte original : 

J'ai décidé de choisir Rosa Parks qui est  est une femme afro-américaine qui est devenue une figure emblématique dans la lutte contre la ségrégation raciale aux États-Unis, ce qui lui valut le surnom de « mère du mouvement des droits civiques ». Le 1 décembre 1955, dans un bus de ville, une femme noire refuse de se lever pour céder sa place à un passager blanc comme l’exige la loi ségrégationniste en Alabama. Elle est arrêtée et condamnée à une amende. Moins d’une semaine plus tard débute une campagne de boycott de la compagnie de bus à l’initiative d’un pasteur alors inconnu âgé de 26 ans, Martin Luther King. Ils luttent pour que les Noirs aient l’accès aux mêmes places assises que les Blancs. C'est une femme que j'admire pour sa dignité, sa qualité d'être ainsi que sa grandeur ce qui fait d'elle une candidate parfaite pour représenter les droits civiques. Martin Luther King, lui aussi une personne honorable était quelqu'un de lumineux et son porte parole parfait. Pour finir, je voudrais citer Rosa avec sa phrase « Je voudrais que l'on se souvienne de moi comme une personne qui voulait être libre, pour que les autres le deviennent aussi ».

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Voici mon texte que j'ai traduit : 

I decided to choose Rosa Parks. is an African-American woman who has become an iconic figure in the fight against racial segregation in the United States, earning her the nickname "mother of the civil rights movement". On December 1, 1955, in a city bus, a black woman refused to rise to give way to a white passenger as required by the segregationist law in Alabama. She is arrested and fined. Less than a week later, a boycott campaign of the bus company began at the initiative of 26-year-old pastor Martin Luther King. They fight for blacks to have access to the same seats as whites. She is a woman whom I admire for her dignity, her quality of being and her greatness which makes her a perfect candidate to represent civil rights. Martin Luther King, also an honorable person was someone bright and his spokesperson perfect. Finally, I would like to quote Rosa with her sentence "I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free, so that others too".


2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 26 nov. 2018

I decided to chose Rosa Parks. She's an African-American woman who has become an iconic figure in the fight against racial segregation in the United States, earning her the nickname "mother of the civil rights movement". On December 1, 1955, in a city bus, a black woman refused to rise to give way to a white passenger as required by the segregationist law in Alabama. She is arrested and fined. Less than a week later, a boycott campaign of the bus company began at the initiative of 26-year-old pastor Martin Luther King. They fight for the African American population to have access to the same seats as whites. She is a woman whom I admire for her dignity, her quality of being and her greatness which makes her a perfect candidate to represent civil rights. Martin Luther King, also an honorable person was a bright individual and his speeches were perfect. Finally, I would like to quote Rosa with her sentence "I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free, so that others too".

Posté le 27 nov. 2018

Bonjour Juliette ,

Je vais corriger ton expression écrite .

I decided to choose Rosa Parks. She is an African-American woman who has become an iconic figure in the fight against racial segregation in the United States, earning her the nickname "mother of the civil rights movement". On December 1st , 1955, in a city bus, a black woman refused to stand up and give away her seat to a white passenger as required by the segregationist law in Alabama. She was arrested and fined. Less than a week later, a boycott campaign of the bus company began at the initiative of 26-year-old pastor Martin Luther King. They fought for black people to have access to the same seats as white people. She is a woman whom I admire for her dignity, her quality of being and her greatness which makes her a perfect candidate to represent civil rights. Martin Luther King, also an honorable person was someone bright and was a perfect spokesperson. Finally, I would like to quote Rosa's quote with her sentence "I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free, so that others too".


Voilà, alors j'ai corrigé ton expression écrite en anglais. Dans l'ensemble c'est super :) mais j'ai juste légèrement corrigé les temps puisque ces évènements et personnalités extraordinaires se situent dans le passé et rajouté un ou deux mots qui manquaient  ( en général , juste des modifications bénines ) mais à part cela , ton expression écrite est bonne dans l'ensemble.

Bon courage pour ton oral !

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