Devoir à rendre demain

Publié le 2 mars 2018 il y a 6A par AZIZWAC1967 - Fin › 5 mars 2018 dans 6A

Sujet du devoir

Hema is 12-years-old and lives in a remote village in the north of Karantaka, a state on the East coast of India. She is the oldest of five children and has never been to school because she is responsible for doing all the housework and looking aften her younger brothers and sisters while her parents are at work.


Hema's mum and dad work on a farm. Their crop was destroyed by a drought and so they were very poor with little to eat. Hema's parents were worried about how they were going to survive. But then a kind man from the city visited with the promise of a well-paid job for Hema.


Hema was taken to Bangalore with five other young girls to work as a housemaid. Her parents were paid a small sum of money and were told that Hema would be able to send back more once she was working. Hema was very excited and was pleased that she could help her family- now her brothers and sisterds would have food to eat.


When Hema reached Bangalore, she was taken to a big habitation which had large gates. But the job wasn't what she had expected. Instead of being paid money for her work, she was treated as a slave. She was not paid and was not allowed to leave the grounds of this habitation. She was very badly treated by the man who had seemed so kind when he arrived at her parent's house. Fortunately she some people helped her and returned to her family, but the memories of what happened will stay with her for a long time.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Comprehension/ Interpreting

1. Choose the general idea of the text :

The text is about : 

a. poverty in India.

b. agriculture in Karnataka.

c. the story of a young girl , victim of child labour.


J'ai répondu reponse c 

2. Complete the table with information from the text 

Name : 

Age : 

Country : 

Problem :

J'ai répondu Name : Hema

Age : 12

Country : India 

Problem : je ne sais pas 


3. Are the following statements true or false ?

a. Hema was the only child of her parents. False

b. Hema was badly treated in her new job. True 

c. Hema was not able to escape and come back home. False


4. Answer the questions according to the text :

a. Has Hema ever gone to school? Why ? Why not ?

réponse : She h'asn't  because she is responsible for doing all the housework and looking after her younger brothers and sisters while her parents are at work.

b. Why did Hema's parents accept that their daughter work?

réponse : Hema's parents accept that their daughter work because his parents were paid a small sum of money.

c. Was she happy to work at the beginning ?

réponse Yes , she was.


5. What do bold words refer to in the text ? 

                  ( mots en gras)

She paragraph one : Hema

They paragraph two : Hema's parents

He paragraph four : man 


II Text exploration

1. Find in the text the synonyms to :

Miserable paragaph 2 = 

Permitted paragraph 4 = 

Je ne sais pas répondre à cette question 


2. Give the opposites of the following words keeping the same root : 

responsible - pleased - treated - fortunately 

réponse : irresponsible - displeased - untreated- unfortunately 


3. Link the following pairs of sentences using the connectors in the list: 

Providing that - such...that - it's high time 



A. Hema was treated in a cruel way . She escaped and returned to her family.

B. A lot of children work instead of joing to school. The government must find solutions urgently.

C. Parents won't let their children work. Parents must work . 

Je ne sais pas du tout répondre à sa


4. Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final " ed " :

Destroyed - visited - helped - happened  

t / d / id 

t : helped

d : visited - happened

id : Destroyed 

Merci d'avance pour l'aide 

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 2 mars 2018

c) True parce pour s'échapper elle a eu besoin d'aide, et il est écrit dans le texte qu'elle n'avait pas le droit de sortir.

II. 1) Un synonyme de misérable dans le paragraphe 2 ; "poor" Un synonyme de permitted : "allowed"

3) A.Hema was treated in a such cruel way that she escapedand returned to her family.

(je ne suis pas très sûre de la B et la C) B. A lot of children work instead going to school, it's high time the government must find solutions urgently.

C. Parents won't let their children work providing that parents must work.

4) visited :c'est id, parce que c'est ted, et destroyed au contraire va dans les d

voilà j'espère que ça t'aidera



Posté le 2 mars 2018


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