La notion d'anlgais espaces et échanges

Publié le 21 avr. 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 20 mai 2016 dans 7A
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The notion "Spaces and Exchanges" deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world.That why i have chosen imnigration in the US to illustrate the notion.


We can illustrate this notion with the history of jose vargas and the speech of barack obama about helping the dreamers :

First , let’s take about the history of Jose Vargas who is an undocumented Imnigrant.


The story of Jose Vargas illustrates the issue of illegal imnigration in the USA . Jose Vargas was born in the philippines . When he was 12 , he went to America , to San Francisco to live with his grandparents to get a better life.


When he was 16 , he wanted to pass his driver’s permit but a clerk said to him that his green card was a fake , so he was an undocumented immigrant.


He decided to stay strong , studied hard and gratuated from high school and college to become a famous journalist.


However , Jose vargas considered himself as an undocumented immigrant because his green card is fake. Consequently , he was afraid of being arrested . Futhermore , he couldn’t trust anyone .


Becoming Americain really meant a lot to him . Indeed , he wanted to show that he deserved to get the American citizenship.


He decided to publicly reveal the truth because he didn’t want to hide anymore.


Yet , today Jose Vargas is still an illegal immigrant and was even arrested last summer.


To continue, The president Barack Obama made a speech June 15th, 2012 has the white house about the immigration policy , “Helping the dreamers”.


Barack Obama evokes the new measures which the government is going to take to improve the relative politics(policies) has the immigration. It is indeed about the fairer, more effective and more just(right) makes, in private individuals for  young people Called sometimes the dreamers. The latter often began their schooling in American schools, they played in their district, with American companions, they took the oath of allegiance in the American flag . They are Americans of heart and spirit they are American in every respect except on the paper. Barack Obama explains that they arrived to the United States with their parents(relatives) while they were of quite small child And that they did not know that they were without papers before postulating(applying) for an employment(use) or for a grant(scholarship) superiors, or making an application for permit (drive). Obama asks then to the people to put itself instead of these young people who made according to the rule book who worked hard and even sometimes been first of their class, all this to be faced has a possible deportation In a country of which they know nothing and about which they speak can be even not the language(tongue). It is this reality which led(drove) has the elaboration of the dream act.


Barack Obama is obviously very favorable to this new law. He(it) opts for the empathy and joins in high tide in the myth of the American dream To convince the people, this dream has to remain accessible(approachable) to all .


For conclused , although the prowills on behalf of the American state and the movement of jose vargas, I wonder if the life of undocumented would not remain better in their origin country , because to live in America for some undocumented is equal has to live in the poverty, in spite of everything the efforts his(her,its) rest for them still difficult to be to integrate(join) within the company(society) no more is to be victims of discrimination

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

J'ai finit de présenter mon objet d'études pour l'oral de mon bac qui porte sur espace et échanges où je parle de jose vargas et un discours de barack obama, mais je n'arrive pas a corriger mes fautes, pouvez vous m'aider ??

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 22 avr. 2015

J'ai corrigé ton devoir mais on ne peut pas faire de copié/coller dans les commentaires, je ne peux donc pas te copier ce que j'ai fais. De plus, c'est beaucoup trop long à réécrire en un commentaire tout en corrigeant les fautes. Je suis désolé

Posté le 18 mai 2016

Ce thème est souvent abordé pour la notion espaces et échanges, n'hésite pas à consulter d'autres devoirs sur le même thème.

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