Notion idea of progress

Publié le 21 mai 2018 il y a 5A par Anonyme - Fin › 23 mai 2018 dans 5A

Sujet du devoir

Today i'm going to deal with the notion of Places and Forms of pover. To illustrate this notion I will talk about the influence of India in the English-speaking world. This leads me to wonder: How does India influence the English-speaking world?. To answer this question, first I will reflect on the influence of soft power and then I will tackle the idea of the hard power of India.
India has always been a country with traditions and practices that form its ample culture. In fact, when we think about India we get different images in our mind, for exemple the Yoga, Ghandi or also Bollywood. This latest it refers to the Indian cinema, Bollywood is the greater cinema industry of the world because it produces more films in comparison to all the other countries of the world. The Indian cinema influences mainly English and American musicals in which we find dance sequences and songs in Indian style.
Another Indian activity is the Yoga. It's a physical, mental and spiritual activity. The international Day Of Yoga which take place on June 21st 2016 shows that India has a huge influence, a soft power on the Western World. In fact, in the document seen in the classroom, we saw the yoga day in the time square.
In addition to this, we saw The Ganges which is a source of attraction for American tourists.
Furthermore, India does not attract and influence the English-speaking world only from a cultural point of view, but also from a political point of view. Gandhi, for example, becomes a guide and an example for non-violent demonstrations and struggles. it was so that the united nations decided to establish the day of birth of Ghandi as international day of non-violence.
The second document shows the hard-power of India. This document, titled Republic Day shows the biggest event in India where whoever can witness a display of indians military.

So, to conclude we can say that India influences the English-speaking world through soft power, like cinema in musicals and yoga. India influences the English-speaking world also by attracting various tourists to political events such as the Republic Day or through historical personages like Ghandi.

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2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 21 mai 2018

Bonjour, je viens de corriger ton texte : 

Today I'm going to deal with the notion of Places and Forms of pover. To illustrate this notion, I will talk about the influence of India in the English-speaking world. This leads me to wonder: To illustrate this notion, I will talk about the influence of India in the English-speaking world. To answer this question, first I will reflect on the influence of soft power and then I will tackle the idea of the hard power of India.
India has always been a country with traditions and practices that form its ample culture. In fact, when we think about India, we get different images in our mind, for example the Yoga, Ghandi or also Bollywood. This latest it refers to the Indian cinema, Bollywood is the greater cinema industry of the world because it produces more films in comparison to all the other countries of the world. The Indian cinema influences mainly English and American musicals in which we find dance sequences and songs in Indian style.
Another Indian activity is the Yoga. It's a physical, mental and spiritual activity. The international Day Of Yoga which takes place on June 21st 2016 shows that India has a huge influence, a soft power on the Western World. In fact, in the document seen in the classroom, we saw the yoga day in the time square.
In addition to this, we saw The Ganges which is a source of attraction for American tourists.
Furthermore, India does not attract and influence the English-speaking world only from a cultural point of view, but also from a political point of view. Gandhi, for example, becomes a guide and an example for non-violent demonstrations and struggles. it was so that the united nations decided to establish the day of birth of Ghandi as international day of non-violence.
The second document shows the hard-power of India. The international Day Of Yoga which takes place on June 21st 2016 shows that India has a huge influence, a soft power on the Western World.

So, to conclude we can say that India influences the English-speaking world through soft power, like cinema in musicals and yoga. India influences the English-speaking world also by attracting various tourists to political events such as the Republic Day or through historical personages like Ghandi.



Par contre, il y a des répétitions :



cinéma : "Indian cinema, Bollywood is the greater cinema industry of the world because it produces more films in comparison to all the other countries of the world. The Indian cinema" 

saw "document seen in the classroom, we saw the yoga day in the time square.
In addition to this, we saw " 


Posté le 21 mai 2018

aidedevoir123, quand tu corriges, mets en gras tes corrections, ce sera plus visible.

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