notion spaces and exchanges

Publié le 2 mai 2018 il y a 5A par Anonyme - Fin › 5 mai 2018 dans 5A

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I'm going to present you the notion of spaces and exchanges : First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion :

Spaces =refer to a geographical locations which can be smaller or bigger ( like: house / region / country or continent) this space can be real or an immaterial ( like: virtual space/ social network)

Exchanges = is an act of giving and reciving something else in return, The exchanges can appear on many forms : like human/goods/information

There are more and more exchanges thaks to the globalization, because globalization allowd the intensification of flows

→ To put the notion in perspective, we will see the human communication especially through the social networks

We are going to ask ourselves : Internet can always be a good think?

→ To answer this q° I will develop my argument in 3 part :

First, I'm going to talk about positive aspects of internet

Then, I will show that there are also negative effects


I) Social media are extraodinary means of comunication in my opinion social network become today an foundamental tool (outil) in our society. If we use it correctly it can only provide us a lot of advantages that we are going to see :


1.→ SHARE AND BRING TOGETHER (= rassambler)

ex: doc: Culture performance – flash mobs : Internet allows people to organize improvised shows in a shopping mall the event consist in singing and playing classical music. Such performances take place in nationwide



ex : In France, during Charlie Hebdo's attack thanks to the media all the population has stink to know about this. Then internet can inform populat° quickly about news



ex: CO doc : « Connected but alone » Iven if the name of this document isn’t really positiv the personnage says : when she reciews a message from her son she becomes happy and she feel presece of his son , it may be said

→ Internec can also to make news meetings and have new friends in the worldwide, for exemple if the persone is shy the social networks can be a way which will allow to exchange more easily with other people and help to not to feel alone


Transition : social media take more and more spaces in our lives Even if they can serve for good causes they also are people who use it gor badly causes and it can be very dangerous for ou society


II)Dangers ( negative aspects)

– One of the pricipal dangers of the internet is addiction :

ex : doc : satirical cartoon by GLASBERGEN : The man is so addicted to his computer and in his work that he forgot he has children and family → The aim (= le but) of the cartoonist is to show that new technologies can destroy your relationship with your family and maybe you family to.


PARADOXE : in the age of new technologies which are supposed to improve human relationship we realize that people can’t communicate in face to face. I think Instead of making human relationship easier, social networking sites creates superficial and virtual connections so we are connected but alone

ex : doc : an other satirical cartoon by GLASBERGEN In this cartoon the situation can be described as absurd because even if the 2 personnages are in the same place, they use their computer to talk to each other.-→ The aim of the cartoonist here is show that the people are so addict that they unable to communicate in real life

– An other dangers of the internet can be cyberbulling :

We study an document who talk about consequencis of cyberbulling the nature of this document is a poster, it comes from an anti-cyberbullying campain. The campaignes wants to suggest that cyberbulling i a major problem in our societies

(« 43 % of teens have been victim of cyberbullying »)

Be cyberbulld can have very badly consequences like : lose self-confience/to hurt herself/social isolation/to commit suicide

→ Ithink that such of documents can be effective beacause some cybullies may realize that their hurtful messages can have tragic consequences


– Other dangers : The wrong purpose (= mauvais but)

→ People can lies about her identities

→ Terrorist propaganda

→ Mob beatings


CCL : For coclude we can say on the one hand internet make the exchanges more easiers and in the other hand internet can be very dangerous (cyberbulling) and pepel can be addicted

→ I think society must fight against problems of internet doing mor prévention about the risks of this one.Also would be interesting to see the sistem put in place against this negative aspects (ex : National Day of Unplugging) / or Digital Detox )

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

quelqu’un  pourrait corriger mes fautes svp

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 3 mai 2018

Un petit conseil pour le début : le jury préféra I am going to deal with plutôt que I am going to present. ça fera beaucoup plus travaillé. Pour le reste t'est tu entraîné(e) à l'oral en me chronométrant ? 5 minutes, cela passe assez vite....

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