quetsions sur une chanson

Publié le 25 mai 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 31 mai 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

bonjour, j'ai des questions sur une chanson :

c'est sur :


If you love your Uncle Sam,
Bring them home, bring them home.
Support our boys in Vietnam,
Bring them home, bring them home.

It'll make our generals sad, I know,
Bring them home, bring them home.
They want to tangle with the foe,
Bring them home, bring them home.

They want to test their weaponry,
Bring them home, bring them home.
But here is their big fallacy,
Bring them home, bring them home.

I may be right, I may be wrong,
Bring them home, bring them home.
But I got a right to sing this song,
Bring them home, bring them home.

There's one thing I must confess,
Bring them home, bring them home.
I'm not really a pacifist,
Bring them home, bring them home.

If an army invaded this land of mine,
Bring them home, bring them home.
You'd find me out on the firing line,
Bring them home, bring them home.

Even if they brought their planes to bomb,
Bring them home, bring them home.
Even if they brought helicopters and napalm,
Bring them home, bring them home.

Show those generals their fallacy:
Bring them home, bring them home.
They don't have the right weaponry,
Bring them home, bring them home.

For defense you need common sense,
Bring them home, bring them home.
They don't have the right armaments,
Bring them home, bring them home.

The world needs teachers, books and schools,
Bring them home, bring them home.
And learning a few universal rules,
Bring them home, bring them home.

So if you love your Uncle Same,
Bring them home, bring them home.
Support our boys in Vietnam,
Bring them home, bring them home.

Words and Music by Pete Seeger
© 1966 Storm King Music, Inc.

mes questions sont :
a) 7th / 8(th) verses : who is "they" ?
b) Find all words referring to the army generals / soldiers and draw a conclusion .

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

ce que j'ai trouvé :

a) je ne sais pas du tout , (on a juste dit en classe, ds le 2 ème /3ème paragraphe, "they" are the US army.

b) "generals " ligne 5
"the foe " ligne 7
"weaponry" ligne 9 ; ligne 31
" an army " ligne 21
" bomb " ligne 25
" helicopters " , "napalm" ligne 27
" armaments " ligne 35

pr la conclusion, je ne sais pas quoi dire ...

je vous remercie d'avance...

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 25 mai 2011
a - THEY=a foreign army invading the US of America.

It's a song against war, any war.
The right answer to conflicts is not soldiers and weaponry, the right answer is education ( teachers, books, schools) and common sense: education giving people common sense.

Posté le 25 mai 2011
bonsoir, je n'ai pas compris votre réponse à la b)

quels citations faut il relever ?
Posté le 26 mai 2011
j'ai un doute
7 et 8 strophes il me semble que le THEY est l'armée qui envahit son pays dans la 6ème strophe

b- c'est un chanson contre la guerre, ceux qui veulent se battre, tester leur armement , ce n'est pas la bonne solution.
La vrai réponse c'est l'éducation:
The world needs teachers, books and schools,

And learning a few universal rules,

pour donner du bon sens aux gens
For defense you need common sense,
Posté le 26 mai 2011
je n'ai pas compris ce que vous avez dit pr la a) pour cette question, il demande who is they ds le 7 ème et 8 ème paragraphe ??

pour la b) il y a juste ces citations à citer :

"The world needs teachers, books and schools"
"And learning a few universal rules"
"For defense you need common sense"

ou il y en a d'autres ??

de plus, qu'est ce que vous avez dit pour la conclusion ?

je m'excuse de vous déranger mais je ne comprends pas tellement

merci bcp d'avance....

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