The Landlady

Publié le 8 mars 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 10 mars 2015 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir



Je voudrais vous demander de m'aider à faire mon devoir car le texte est très long et j'ai vraiment du mal à rendre mon devoir à temps.

Merci de m'aider et que Dieu vous bénisse pour tout ce que vous faites.



Où j'en suis dans mon devoir



TEXTE :  y THE LANDLADY, a short story by Roald Dahl

The Landlady is part of a series of short stories by Roald Dahl called Tales of the Unexpected published by Penguin in 1979.





Read the text 




1.  Part A




Vocabulary Help :


-       lodgings = hébergement 

-       congenial = convivial 

-       briskly = avec vivacité 

-       a boarding-house = une pension de famille 

-       the big shots = les gros bonnets 

-       darts = des fléchettes 

-       swanky =  qui en impose 

-       kippers = des harengs saurs en saumure 

-       pussy-willows = des chatons (rameaux de saule)

-       dachshund= un teckel

-       to dither =se tâter, hésiter 

-       a parrot = un perroquet  -     compelling = irrésistible


A Cultural Note


Bath is a town is South West England that has been famous for many centuries for its health-giving waters. Today, it is visited by tourists for its old Roman baths and its Georgian architecture.

1.1.  Comprehension / 10, 5

Answer the following questions (make complete sentences). Quote from the text if necessary.


a.  When do the events happen ? (Season, moment of the day)./ 1





b. Where does the scene take place ? (Name of the town, details about the street). / 1

……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................



c.  Who is the main character present ? (Name, age, clothes, job).../2





d. What is the story about ? (sum it up in one sentence) / 1

……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................


……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ e. What happened suddenly ?  / 1

……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................

f.             Quote 6 expressions (from line 38 down to line 48) which make Billy think that the boarding house     “would be a pretty decent house to stay in”./ 3


……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................

……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................

g.            Something strange seems to be happening so far… Quote 3 examples which are puzzling for Billy and the reader./ 1,5

……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................



1.2.  Compétence linguistique  / 4,5

Complete with the verb in the right form : / 4, 5


a.     Billy appreciated……………… (to wander) along the street and spent time …………………(to watch) the old façades.


b.    When he saw the notice Bed and Breakfast, he stopped ……………… (to walk) and peered into the room.


c.     He remembered ……………… (to stay) in a pub once and ………………….. (to like) it.


d.    So after ……………. (to see) the boarding house, he contemplated …………………. (to go) to The Bell and Dragon.


e.     But he was prevented from …………….. (to move) and instead of ……………. (to leave), he rang the bell.


2.  Part B










































Vocabulary help :


-       a jack-in-the box = un diable à ressort 

-       floor = étage 

-       a tiny bit = un petit peu 

-       the law = la loi, les autorités 

-       dotty = toqué(e) 

-       flight = escalier 

-       a teeny weeny bit = un tout petit peu (pop) 

-       be slightly off her rocker = être cinglé 

-       choosy = difficile (pop) 

-       the hearth = l’âtre 

-       particular = pointilleux 

-       it rings a bell = ça me rappelle que chose


2.1.  Compréhension / 9, 5

a. The narrative: put the following events in the correct order from 1 to 12. The first sentence comes first…/ 5, 5



Billy asked the lady how much she charged for the night.

Billy unpacked his suitcase.

Billy had a look at the names in the guest book.

Billy put the suitcase on the bed and opened it.

The landlady asked Billy to come down to the living-room in order to sign the guest book. It was the law.
The landlady proposed Billy some supper but he declined the offer.

Billy ran down to the living-room.

Billy realized that he was the only guest in the boarding-house.
The lady told Billy he might light the gas fire if he was cold.
Billy took off his coat and hung it.

Billy and the landlady went upstairs to the room.
Billy entered the house.


b. Foreshadowing (présage) / 4

Make a list of the elements that give a negative impression and foreshadow the events ?







2.2.  Compétence lingusitique     / 10

Transform the following sentences into reported speech (variez les verbes introducteurs, ils doivent être tous au passé)


a. “Please come in " (The lady).



........................................................................................................................................ b.  “I saw the notice in the window,” (Billy).



........................................................................................................................................ c. “Yes, I know.” (the lady).


........................................................................................................................................ d. “I was wondering about a room.” (Billy).


........................................................................................................................................ e. “It's all ready for you, my dear” (the lady).



f.  “I was on my way to The Bell and Dragon, but the notice in your window just happened to catch my eye.” (Billy).




g. “My dear boy, why don't you come in out of the cold?” (the lady).



........................................................................................................................................ h. “How much do you charge?” (Billy).



i. “Five and sixpence a night, including breakfast.” (the lady).




3.  Part C











Vocabulary help :


-       Peculiar = bizarre  

-       To fuss about = s’affairer  

-       Tantalizing = très attrayant 

-       To linger = subsister  

-       To give up = capituler, abandonner 

-       To pat = tapoter  

-       A whiff = une odeur 

-       Pickled walnuts = des noix macérées 

-       Fillings = des plombages 

-       A blemish = une imperfection 

-       Had me … fooled = m’avait dupé 

-       Stuff = empailler


A Cultural Note


-       Dempsey, Jack (1895-1983) : a famous American boxer who held the heavyweight title from 1919 to 1926.

-       Tunney, Gene (1897-1978) : an American professional boxer who was world heavyweight champion from 1926 to 1928.

3.1. Compréhension / 10

Translate from “Good gracious me” down to the end. (line 95 down to the end). Attention de bien respecter la forme d’un dialogue en français.




















…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3.2.  Compétence lingusitique  / 15,5

a. Complete with the correct aspect of the preterit / 6


1.  As he ……………………….……the streets he ……………….……… how derelict the area …………………… (walk down, notice, be)

2.  Then she ………………………… the tea and he ………………..………it without any foreboding.

(pour, drink)

3.  Billy …………………..……see that the room ………………….….. cosy indeed. (can, feel)

4.  He ……………………. quite pleased with himself as he ……………………….……down the stairs in

a leisurely manner. (be, come)

5.  She ………………………..………..the tea-tray with a decided air. (carry)

6.  Finally, they both ……………….…….……… on the sofa and she ………………………….. his knee.

(sit down, pat)


b. Put the following verbs into the right tense / 5.5

(Prétérit/ simple/ simple past (or in be+-ing), or pluperfect simple (or in be+-ing), in the active or passive form). 


1.  Billy …………………….…….. (wonder) where and why he ……………………….…………. (hear) of

those names before.

2.  Previously, when he ………………………………………. (be away) from home, he …………………………….(always stay) in a pub, now he ………………………………… (dither). 

3.  Up to then, Billy ……………………….…………….. (always think) that little old ladies ……………………….……(be) harmless, now he ……………………..……….(be/not) so sure.

4.  He then ………………………….. ( realize) that they …………………….………….. (be dead) for over two years and that he …………………………………. (be) in great danger of being her next victim.


c.  Ask the question corresponding to the answer in bold type. / 4


1. Billy started sipping his tea.



2. For half a minute or so, neither of them spoke.

3. He sat there.



4. He stared with deep admiration at the little woman beside him on the sofa.


3.3. Expression personnelle / 30

a. The cliff-hanging ending (une fin à suspense) Is there any explicit denouement ? What can readers conclude ? /10







b. After this strange encounter, Billy decided to leave the boarding house. Write the conversation he had with the landlady. (250-300 words)  / 20










…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………







…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

















TEXTE :  THE LANDLADY, a short story by Roald Dahl
The Landlady is part of a series of short stories by Roald Dahl called Tales of the Unexpected published by Penguin in 1979.

Read the text


1. Part A

Vocabulary Help :

- lodgings = hébergement
- congenial = convivial
- briskly = avec vivacité
- a boarding-house = une pension de famille
- the big shots = les gros bonnets
- darts = des fléchettes
- swanky = qui en impose
- kippers = des harengs saurs en saumure
- pussy-willows = des chatons (rameaux de saule)
- dachshund= un teckel
- to dither =se tâter, hésiter
- a parrot = un perroquet - compelling = irrésistible

A Cultural Note

Bath is a town is South West England that has been famous for many centuries for its health-giving waters. Today, it is visited by tourists for its old Roman baths and its Georgian architecture.
1.1. Comprehension / 10, 5

Answer the following questions (make complete sentences). Quote from the text if necessary.

a. When do the events happen ? (Season, moment of the day)./ 1
b. Where does the scene take place ? (Name of the town, details about the street). / 1
……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................
c. Who is the main character present ? (Name, age, clothes, job).../2
d. What is the story about ? (sum it up in one sentence) / 1
……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................
……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ e. What happened suddenly ? / 1
……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................
f. Quote 6 expressions (from line 38 down to line 48) which make Billy think that the boarding house “would be a pretty decent house to stay in”./ 3
……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................
……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................
g. Something strange seems to be happening so far… Quote 3 examples which are puzzling for Billy and the reader./ 1,5
……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................
1.2. Compétence linguistique / 4,5

Complete with the verb in the right form : / 4, 5

a. Billy appreciated……………… (to wander) along the street and spent time …………………(to watch) the old façades.

b. When he saw the notice Bed and Breakfast, he stopped ……………… (to walk) and peered into the room.

c. He remembered ……………… (to stay) in a pub once and ………………….. (to like) it.

d. So after ……………. (to see) the boarding house, he contemplated …………………. (to go) to The Bell and Dragon.

e. But he was prevented from …………….. (to move) and instead of ……………. (to leave), he rang the bell.

2. Part B


Vocabulary help :

- a jack-in-the box = un diable à ressort
- floor = étage
- a tiny bit = un petit peu
- the law = la loi, les autorités
- dotty = toqué(e)
- flight = escalier
- a teeny weeny bit = un tout petit peu (pop)
- be slightly off her rocker = être cinglé
- choosy = difficile (pop)
- the hearth = l’âtre
- particular = pointilleux
- it rings a bell = ça me rappelle que chose

2.1. Compréhension / 9, 5

a. The narrative: put the following events in the correct order from 1 to 12. The first sentence comes first…/ 5, 5

Billy asked the lady how much she charged for the night.
Billy unpacked his suitcase.
Billy had a look at the names in the guest book.
Billy put the suitcase on the bed and opened it.
The landlady asked Billy to come down to the living-room in order to sign the guest book. It was the law.
f. The landlady proposed Billy some supper but he declined the offer.
Billy ran down to the living-room.
Billy realized that he was the only guest in the boarding-house.
i. The lady told Billy he might light the gas fire if he was cold.
j. Billy took off his coat and hung it.
Billy and the landlady went upstairs to the room.
l. Billy entered the house.

b. Foreshadowing (présage) / 4

Make a list of the elements that give a negative impression and foreshadow the events ?
2.2. Compétence lingusitique / 10

Transform the following sentences into reported speech (variez les verbes introducteurs, ils doivent être tous au passé)

a. “Please come in " (The lady).
........................................................................................................................................ b. “I saw the notice in the window,” (Billy).
........................................................................................................................................ c. “Yes, I know.” (the lady).
........................................................................................................................................ d. “I was wondering about a room.” (Billy).
........................................................................................................................................ e. “It's all ready for you, my dear” (the lady).
f. “I was on my way to The Bell and Dragon, but the notice in your window just happened to catch my eye.” (Billy).
g. “My dear boy, why don't you come in out of the cold?” (the lady).
........................................................................................................................................ h. “How much do you charge?” (Billy).
i. “Five and sixpence a night, including breakfast.” (the lady).

3. Part C


Vocabulary help :

- Peculiar = bizarre
- To fuss about = s’affairer
- Tantalizing = très attrayant
- To linger = subsister
- To give up = capituler, abandonner
- To pat = tapoter
- A whiff = une odeur
- Pickled walnuts = des noix macérées
- Fillings = des plombages
- A blemish = une imperfection
- Had me … fooled = m’avait dupé
- Stuff = empailler

A Cultural Note

- Dempsey, Jack (1895-1983) : a famous American boxer who held the heavyweight title from 1919 to 1926.
- Tunney, Gene (1897-1978) : an American professional boxer who was world heavyweight champion from 1926 to 1928.
3.1. Compréhension / 10

Translate from “Good gracious me” down to the end. (line 95 down to the end). Attention de bien respecter la forme d’un dialogue en français.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3.2. Compétence lingusitique / 15,5

a. Complete with the correct aspect of the preterit / 6

1. As he ……………………….……the streets he ……………….……… how derelict the area …………………… (walk down, notice, be)
2. Then she ………………………… the tea and he ………………..………it without any foreboding.
(pour, drink)
3. Billy …………………..……see that the room ………………….….. cosy indeed. (can, feel)
4. He ……………………. quite pleased with himself as he ……………………….……down the stairs in
a leisurely manner. (be, come)
5. She ………………………..………..the tea-tray with a decided air. (carry)
6. Finally, they both ……………….…….……… on the sofa and she ………………………….. his knee.
(sit down, pat)

b. Put the following verbs into the right tense / 5.5
(Prétérit/ simple/ simple past (or in be+-ing), or pluperfect simple (or in be+-ing), in the active or passive form).

1. Billy …………………….…….. (wonder) where and why he ……………………….…………. (hear) of
those names before.
2. Previously, when he ………………………………………. (be away) from home, he …………………………….(always stay) in a pub, now he ………………………………… (dither).
3. Up to then, Billy ……………………….…………….. (always think) that little old ladies ……………………….……(be) harmless, now he ……………………..……….(be/not) so sure.
4. He then ………………………….. ( realize) that they …………………….………….. (be dead) for over two years and that he …………………………………. (be) in great danger of being her next victim.

c. Ask the question corresponding to the answer in bold type. / 4

1. Billy started sipping his tea.

2. For half a minute or so, neither of them spoke.

3. He sat there.

4. He stared with deep admiration at the little woman beside him on the sofa.

3.3. Expression personnelle / 30

a. The cliff-hanging ending (une fin à suspense) Is there any explicit denouement ? What can readers conclude ? /10


b. After this strange encounter, Billy decided to leave the boarding house. Write the conversation he had with the landlady. (250-300 words) / 20

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

TEXTE :  THE LANDLADY, a short story by Roald Dahl
The Landlady is part of a series of short stories by Roald Dahl called Tales of the Unexpected published by Penguin in 1979.

Read the text


1. Part A

Vocabulary Help :

- lodgings = hébergement
- congenial = convivial
- briskly = avec vivacité
- a boarding-house = une pension de famille
- the big shots = les gros bonnets
- darts = des fléchettes
- swanky = qui en impose
- kippers = des harengs saurs en saumure
- pussy-willows = des chatons (rameaux de saule)
- dachshund= un teckel
- to dither =se tâter, hésiter
- a parrot = un perroquet - compelling = irrésistible

A Cultural Note

Bath is a town is South West England that has been famous for many centuries for its health-giving waters. Today, it is visited by tourists for its old Roman baths and its Georgian architecture.
1.1. Comprehension / 10, 5

Answer the following questions (make complete sentences). Quote from the text if necessary.

a. When do the events happen ? (Season, moment of the day)./ 1
b. Where does the scene take place ? (Name of the town, details about the street). / 1
……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................
c. Who is the main character present ? (Name, age, clothes, job).../2
d. What is the story about ? (sum it up in one sentence) / 1
……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................
……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ e. What happened suddenly ? / 1
……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................
f. Quote 6 expressions (from line 38 down to line 48) which make Billy think that the boarding house “would be a pretty decent house to stay in”./ 3
……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................
……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................
g. Something strange seems to be happening so far… Quote 3 examples which are puzzling for Billy and the reader./ 1,5
……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………................................................
1.2. Compétence linguistique / 4,5

Complete with the verb in the right form : / 4, 5

a. Billy appreciated……………… (to wander) along the street and spent time …………………(to watch) the old façades.

b. When he saw the notice Bed and Breakfast, he stopped ……………… (to walk) and peered into the room.

c. He remembered ……………… (to stay) in a pub once and ………………….. (to like) it.

d. So after ……………. (to see) the boarding house, he contemplated …………………. (to go) to The Bell and Dragon.

e. But he was prevented from …………….. (to move) and instead of ……………. (to leave), he rang the bell.

2. Part B


Vocabulary help :

- a jack-in-the box = un diable à ressort
- floor = étage
- a tiny bit = un petit peu
- the law = la loi, les autorités
- dotty = toqué(e)
- flight = escalier
- a teeny weeny bit = un tout petit peu (pop)
- be slightly off her rocker = être cinglé
- choosy = difficile (pop)
- the hearth = l’âtre
- particular = pointilleux
- it rings a bell = ça me rappelle que chose

2.1. Compréhension / 9, 5

a. The narrative: put the following events in the correct order from 1 to 12. The first sentence comes first…/ 5, 5

Billy asked the lady how much she charged for the night.
Billy unpacked his suitcase.
Billy had a look at the names in the guest book.
Billy put the suitcase on the bed and opened it.
The landlady asked Billy to come down to the living-room in order to sign the guest book. It was the law.
f. The landlady proposed Billy some supper but he declined the offer.
Billy ran down to the living-room.
Billy realized that he was the only guest in the boarding-house.
i. The lady told Billy he might light the gas fire if he was cold.
j. Billy took off his coat and hung it.
Billy and the landlady went upstairs to the room.
l. Billy entered the house.

b. Foreshadowing (présage) / 4

Make a list of the elements that give a negative impression and foreshadow the events ?
2.2. Compétence lingusitique / 10

Transform the following sentences into reported speech (variez les verbes introducteurs, ils doivent être tous au passé)

a. “Please come in " (The lady).
........................................................................................................................................ b. “I saw the notice in the window,” (Billy).
........................................................................................................................................ c. “Yes, I know.” (the lady).
........................................................................................................................................ d. “I was wondering about a room.” (Billy).
........................................................................................................................................ e. “It's all ready for you, my dear” (the lady).
f. “I was on my way to The Bell and Dragon, but the notice in your window just happened to catch my eye.” (Billy).
g. “My dear boy, why don't you come in out of the cold?” (the lady).
........................................................................................................................................ h. “How much do you charge?” (Billy).
i. “Five and sixpence a night, including breakfast.” (the lady).

3. Part C


Vocabulary help :

- Peculiar = bizarre
- To fuss about = s’affairer
- Tantalizing = très attrayant
- To linger = subsister
- To give up = capituler, abandonner
- To pat = tapoter
- A whiff = une odeur
- Pickled walnuts = des noix macérées
- Fillings = des plombages
- A blemish = une imperfection
- Had me … fooled = m’avait dupé
- Stuff = empailler

A Cultural Note

- Dempsey, Jack (1895-1983) : a famous American boxer who held the heavyweight title from 1919 to 1926.
- Tunney, Gene (1897-1978) : an American professional boxer who was world heavyweight champion from 1926 to 1928.
3.1. Compréhension / 10

Translate from “Good gracious me” down to the end. (line 95 down to the end). Attention de bien respecter la forme d’un dialogue en français.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3.2. Compétence lingusitique / 15,5

a. Complete with the correct aspect of the preterit / 6

1. As he ……………………….……the streets he ……………….……… how derelict the area …………………… (walk down, notice, be)
2. Then she ………………………… the tea and he ………………..………it without any foreboding.
(pour, drink)
3. Billy …………………..……see that the room ………………….….. cosy indeed. (can, feel)
4. He ……………………. quite pleased with himself as he ……………………….……down the stairs in
a leisurely manner. (be, come)
5. She ………………………..………..the tea-tray with a decided air. (carry)
6. Finally, they both ……………….…….……… on the sofa and she ………………………….. his knee.
(sit down, pat)

b. Put the following verbs into the right tense / 5.5
(Prétérit/ simple/ simple past (or in be+-ing), or pluperfect simple (or in be+-ing), in the active or passive form).

1. Billy …………………….…….. (wonder) where and why he ……………………….…………. (hear) of
those names before.
2. Previously, when he ………………………………………. (be away) from home, he …………………………….(always stay) in a pub, now he ………………………………… (dither).
3. Up to then, Billy ……………………….…………….. (always think) that little old ladies ……………………….……(be) harmless, now he ……………………..……….(be/not) so sure.
4. He then ………………………….. ( realize) that they …………………….………….. (be dead) for over two years and that he …………………………………. (be) in great danger of being her next victim.

c. Ask the question corresponding to the answer in bold type. / 4

1. Billy started sipping his tea.

2. For half a minute or so, neither of them spoke.

3. He sat there.

4. He stared with deep admiration at the little woman beside him on the sofa.

3.3. Expression personnelle / 30

a. The cliff-hanging ending (une fin à suspense) Is there any explicit denouement ? What can readers conclude ? /10


b. After this strange encounter, Billy decided to leave the boarding house. Write the conversation he had with the landlady. (250-300 words) / 20

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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