Besoin d'une correction orthographe/grammaire de mon texte.

Publié le 25 avr. 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 27 avr. 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir

J'ai besoin qu'une personne parlant bien l'anglais ou même un professeur corrige mon texte (coquilles/fautes de grammaires/syntaxe/fautes de traduction). C'est une PPC ayant pour thème un voyage...

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Trip to Preston

Hello, I want to talk about my trip to England last year during the Easter holidays. I've been to England to see my half-sister who lived in Preston in the north-west of the country. She studied there for 1 year. To get there, we, my family and I travelled through France by car and the Channel by boat. It was raining hard when we arrived but it was not cold. At the beginning of we trip we visited Preston and his streets. Preston is a city where is a famous university. In a second time, we went to Liverpool, it's a large and very nice city. Last year, it was the European Capital of Culture. We visited the old Liverpool docks with his shopping galleries. We have been to the maritime museum which was very interesting. It spoke about the sea, the boats and the Submarine creatures. Once finished, we went to the Beatles house where the careers of artists is explained. We bought some souvenirs. The second day we went to Manchester by car. The city is huge and the weather is pleasant. We walk around the town and shops. To have a beautiful view of the city, we made several tours with the Big Wheel in Manchester, it was great.

The next day, we visited a English friend of my father. He lives near the sea in a house. He spoke French very well and we had any problem to talking together. After the lunch, we went to the seashore of Ireland to walk on the beach and the vast expanses of sand. The water was very cold and there were small jellyfish, so, we couldn't swim. Therefore, we made a football match in France against England parodying. A the end, we bought a very big ice-cream and went back home to Preston. This trip to England was really good and amazing. I learnt many things and has had a good time with my family.

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 25 avr. 2010
Ton texte m'a l'air parfait.
Aucune fautes, en tout cas moi je n'en voit aucune !
J'ai 16 de moyenne en Anglais si tu veux être plus sur de ma réponse ;)
Posté le 26 avr. 2010

très bon texte mais quelques petites fautes ce sont glissées, je corrige en majuscules:

Trip to Preston

Hello, I want to talk about my trip to England last year during the Easter holidays. I've been to England to see my half-sister who lived in Preston in the north-west of the country. She studied there for 1 year. To get there, we, my family and MYSELF travelled through France by car and the Channel by boat. It was raining hard when we arrived but it was not cold. At the beginning of THE trip we visited Preston and ITS streets. Preston is a city where is a famous university. SECONDLY, we went to Liverpool, it's a large and very nice city. Last year, it was the European Capital of Culture. We visited the old Liverpool docks with ITS shopping galleries. We have been to the Maritime Museum which was very interesting. It spoke about the sea, the boats and the submarine creatures. Once finished, we went to the Beatles house where the career of THE artists is explained. We bought some souvenirs. The second day we went to Manchester by car. The city is huge and the weather is pleasant. We walk around the town and THE shops. To have a beautiful view of the city, we made several tours ON the Big Wheel in Manchester, it was great.

The next day, we visited AN English friend of my father. He lives near the sea in a house. He SPEAKS French very well and we had NO problem talking together. After lunch, we went to the seashore IN FRONT of Ireland to walk on the beach and the vast expanses of sand. The water was very cold and there were small jellyfish, so, we couldn't swim. Therefore, we made a football match PARODYING France against England. A the end, we bought a very big ice-cream and went back home to Preston. This trip to England was really good and amazing. I learnt many things and had a good time with my family.

=> ta demi-soeur n'étudie plus à Preston? si elle y est encore alors she has been studying for one year, sinon c'est bon.
=> l'ami de ton père habite en Angleterre en face de l'Irelande (ma correction), ou alors êtes-vous allés en Irelande (au quel cas il faudrait le préciser)
=> j'ai enlever quelques mots.

Tes fautes sont vraiments mineures.
Posté le 26 avr. 2010
Merci, et je voulait dire , "seashore or ireland -> bord de la mer d'ireland"

Merci beaucoup =)

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