CORRECTION Redaction Colleges Elites

Publié le 6 oct. 2012 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 13 oct. 2012 dans 11A

Sujet du devoir


Je dois faire un résumé en anglais détaillé mais cours sur le sujet de mon titre: les collèges d'élite les collèges d'élite en France refuser les commandes d'admettre plus de participants de familles à faible revenu . Seulement je ne connais pas vraiment ce sujet, est-ce que vous pouvez m'en dire plus? Par mes connaisances personnelle et grâce à l'aide d'internet j'ai trouvé quelques informations dont j'ai crée cette petite rédaction pouvez me corriger SVP et m'aider à ajouter des précisions MERCI beacoup

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, refused orders to admit more students from disadvantaged workers and immigrants.
This announcement has shocked a lot of people. As Luc Chatel French Minister of Education, Sabeg State Commissioner Mr Sarkozy, Descoings etc ...
It is shocking to imagine that it would lower the open to students from disadvantaged backgrounds. This would mean that the poor threaten the quality of schools and their graduates? This is outrageous. Intelligence, intellectual curiosity, an ability to work attributes are supposed to be only for the rich? France should grow about it. It is no longer acceptable in this day be judged by its social class, especially at the level of national education. In addition, a personal opinion of mine, a child from a low income family with much more determination and motivation to study a rich child simply because the child from a poor background, s wishes 'out and evolve in their uncomfortable situation, the school is a chance for them.

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