Correction rapide d'un oral d'anglais court pour le 17 novembre

Publié le 15 nov. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 18 nov. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Comment vous voyez vous dans cinq ans ? (au niveau professionnel)
- quel métier
- quelles études
- pourquoi ce choix

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

In 5 years, I would love to be a clinical psychologist in an institution that helps children and / or teenagers experiencing difficulties. Actually, I am not interested at all by working in a private practice but rather in connection with other professionals in institutions. In particular, I am really interest by working in a Psychological Medical Center (CMP). It is for children and adolescents with autism or psychotic disorders, but also for children and adolescents with adjustment difficulties, psychomotor disorders, behavioral problems, revealing itself (and they reveal themselves) most often in the school environment. It is composed of a large team of professionals such as psychiatrists, psychologists, speech therapists, social workers… Moreover, I’m also particularly interest to work in foster homes for children, where they are placed by court order.

However, my choices may still evolve, change or become more specific. Indeed, I always knew I wanted to work in social and I was attracted by the idea of helping other people. But if you asked me what I wanted to do in my senior year in high school, I would have said that I wanted to become a school teacher or a specialized educator (it’s a teacher specialized in the Education of Individuals with Disabilities). But it is at the end of the year that I realized I wanted to study psychology because I thought it was missing something in the two other professions, maybe a real listening and a way to use my sensitivity. I was also very interested in understanding the psychological functionement of individuals and psychopathology. Moreover, I like the fact that psychology is not a field that can be (completely known) fully acquired, it is always in motion because there is always a part of mystery and new theory and research appears very often. A psychologist must always be aware of it, read and learn during his career.

When I decided to study psychology, I did not know if I wanted to work with children, adults or old people. My different internships permit me to discovered the work with children, teenagers and old people.

Even if I like old people and the contact going very well, I think there is mostly work in neurology about diseases of old age such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Besides, I do not like neurology, so I could not see myself working in that field. Also, I think there is a different relationship with the elderly but also that there would be less diversity than in children and adolescents. Indeed, with children there are many different options such as dealing with child victims, child offenders, children with disabilities or placed...

To conclude, next year, I think that I am gonna choose a master of clinical psychology of children and adolescents, or a master of psychopathology with a specialization in childhood and teenagers in master two. In both cases, I could work in structures that I want. Moreover, I hesitate to specialize myself in research in master two because I think it can be really interesting too.

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